Welcome to Blueridge Media....
Company Information

Blue Ridge Media, Inc. is located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. The Company was started in 1991 by William Nordman to provide service and stock photography along with magazine articles and humor columns for newspaper and magazine use.
Blueridge Outdoor is a division that was created in 1999 when archery products were being designed and patented. In 2005, all Archery products and information were transferred to a new website - OneNiceStand.com
Blue Ridge Media, Inc. has taken the Blueridge Outdoor website back to its original purpose of providing information about, and access to, photography, photo-journalism, and writing. Expansion of Blue Ridge Media will continue on that path in the future. All correspondence should be directed to:
    William J. Nordman     Blue Ridge Media, Inc.     135 West Street     Stephens City, VA 22655     Tel: 540-323-2455
    email: wjn@blueridgeoutdoor.com

Bio on William Nordman

The person behind the camera and pen (okay, it's a keyboard now) has a varied background that brings together an assortment of talents. Serious photography began back in 1971 when I traded some income tax preparation services for an old 35mm Konica SLR that I still have today. The previous owner also taught me underwater photography in the deal.
Having been born in Southern Arizona, I traveled in Mexico often, scuba-diving and sailing in the Gulf of California. In Jackson Hole, Wyoming for several years I learned to pack mules and spent the summers packing thoroughout the Teton Wildernness and Yellowstone Park.
A career in Public Accounting starting with one of the "Big-8" firms of the 70's led to my own CPA practice, my use and understanding of PCs and the development and sale of software.
My move to Virginia in 1991 changed work to more of a consulting role and allowed me to expand my knowledge of the technical side of my photography and writing. My work here has included several years in sales and marketing with a software development firm, controler for a bank, and broker and owner of a real estate firm.
During all of these years I have continued my photography and writing. A variety of 35mm cameras, medium format and a large format camera (4x5 Swiss Arca) have found their way into my hands. The latitude of my personal and business experiences has provided an extended realm of material - each aspect has added a dimension to both my photography and my writing.

Octagon House - Grottoes, VA
A bison on a farm in WV
Grocery delivery in Venice, Italy
Milkweed pod in ice